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Purchase a Pig for $5 each on behalf of Snack in a Sak.  Choose Snack in a Sak from the drop-down menu that appears as part of the online link below. For each Pig purchased, you have a chance to win on Flying Pig Marathon Weekend and Snack in a Sak receives 100% of your donation!


1st Place: $10,000 Cash ($5,000 to winning ticket holder and $5,000 to the charity who sold the ticket)
2nd Place: 2 year lease on a Toyota Prius! 
3rd Place: Cincinnati Get-Away Experience! (Valued at over $1,500)



Thank you for participating in The Piggest Raffle Ever and donating to Snack in a Sak!


office: 513-388-4475

cell: 513-490-6537

700 West Pete Rose Way, Suite 535

Cincinnati, OH 45203

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